About Me

I'm Firuz Haciyev, front end developer.

Hi, I'm Firuz. I'm a front-end developer. Here I share my experiences with modern technologies and the tools I have just discovered.

I was only 15 years old when I started to be interested in software. At that time there was an interest in mmo rpg games played over the web. My brother and I thought about how we could do this. First we learned html, css and php. We developed the game with our very little programming knowledge. The game was full of bugs. When there was a lot of interest in the game in a short time, we were hacked :D

You can contact me by email. Just say hi. I am always happy to meet new people. [email protected]

Open source projects

All my open-source projects are available on GitHub

Technologies I love ♥️

  • React / React Native / Next JS

  • Mobx ♥️ / Redux

  • Strapi / Contentful / Firebase

  • Sass / PostCSS / TailwindCSS

  • SWR (React Hooks for Data Fetching)

I will learn in 2021

  • Typescript

  • GraphQl, Apollo

Firuz Haciyev

I'm a front end developer. I love sharing what I've learned and learning new things. Years from now, I hope this will be an informative blog for new developers.